Why Online Pilates Is The Best For Business Travellers With (or Without) Chronic Pain?

In this day and age, people are travelling more than ever. Business travel has become a norm in the corporate world and often times leaves the employee sleep deprived, under-exercised and without a great nutritional routine. Big businesses offer their workers immunizations, security alerts, per diems for meals but what about EXERCISE? The schedule endured by these humans gives little, if no time, for movement. Yes, most hotels will have a gym but we know what those are like. Lonely, stinky, old equipment, under-used and/or cared for and the worst lighting imaginable. So, unless you travel to the tropics for your work, this is the usual scenario.
“But, what if… you could take a personal trainer with you? “
As an avid traveller, a busy mom and business owner, I have found that Live online fitness has been a godsend. Not only does it give me the consistency no matter what is happening in my life but also accountability. I have too often said ” I am going to do a video later” and NEVER made it happen. “I just have too much to do!” This is the excuse I use to avoid the self-care I desperately need in lieu of “priorities”. So now, when someone is expecting me at a certain time I am committed. I am confident that I will make my session because I have no commute, parking and MORE TIME. I can communicate my needs BEFORE the session through email and have my trainer well informed on what is happening with me and my body.
“Chronic Pain Anyone?”
“For pain management and reduction, consistent practice is needed to maintain balance and progress.”

Melanie McGray
Pilates Instructor at The Nourished Body
I am a wife, mother, entrepreneur and movement specialist who knows the challenges of time and energy. My 20 years+ experience in dance, movement and healing arts, anatomy, kinesiology have driven me to help others realize the potential their own bodies are capable of. I have a fascination with body mechanics and understand how to guide those in need of wellness re-education into a more functional and happy place.

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