Why Live, Online Pilates is Perfect for Busy Women

Do you feel like it is too bad you can’t lift your children/ grandchildren without bracing beforehand? Do you want to play golf again, run again, do yoga or go on long excursions like you used to? Maybe you just want to be more comfortable sitting through a long dinner with friends. Or… maybe you want to jump on a trampoline without peeing your pants.
Often, as women, we take everyone else’s health into consideration but our own. We strive to be the one who never gets sick, never feels out of control, must deal with anything that comes our way, right? Well… yes, this is true but how can we keep up a strong self- practice when life is always getting in the way?
SO… life moved forward. A direction my husband and I decided to take brought us to another country and several months of travelling before that. Plus, another child and here we are. FULL TO THE BRIM (with everything good albeit) but a bit isolated. And now what? What do I do with my body?
I know through my teaching and self-experience that nobody wants to live in a body with pain. Most women want to play with their children/ grandchildren and feel more like “themselves”. Women are travelling for work or pleasure more now than ever and cannot find a personal and consistent movement practice to complement their new lifestyle. Women want an expert who is not going to put them in a compromised position, someone who is informed and able to meet their needs wherever they are in that specific moment, someone they can connect to. THEY WANT TO MOVE ON A REGULAR BASIS. They do not want a boot camp, trendy or high-intensity workout… they are looking for a combination of mindfulness and deeper strengthening. This sparked the inspiration to begin and launch my own online Pilates studio.
“If you struggle with restrictions such as chronic pain, inconsistency, isolation or the need for a new way of moving or travel frequently, Online Pilates offers you all of this and more.”
With an intelligent and well-seasoned instructor, you can get most of the same benefits as you would in a studio class or private. The added benefit here is that there is no commute, so I can fit a session in between my own clients or very early in the morning and with no traffic to battle.
“I set my space: this is a big one! This gives me ownership. I must decide where I will move, arrange my mat and set the stage for the session. It makes it more special. It is MY space, MY time, My intention to self-care.”
The time in the session is more focused. I do not have other conversations I am listening to, no talking with other clients, no chatting. And although I do enjoy these things, I have found that my session is fuller, more movement happens, and I am laser-focused (something I need more practice in when it comes to my own wellness). The session is actually 55 minutes instead of 45 because I was talking with another instructor/client.
And, to my surprise, I have found clients to take more responsibility in learning HOW they move. For myself, without an instructor touching me to cue the right action I am deeply listening, translating the information to my body and trying to make things happen on my own! Don’t get me wrong… touch is powerful in many ways, but for some, there is a reliance on it. A reliance that can sometimes hinder re-educating neural pathways and unlearning old movement patterns.
“Why just women?”
Trustworthy, knowledgeable instruction for your personal body needs in the safe space of your own home, LIVE. It’s not a pre-recorded video you will get up from to get a glass of water. It’s a human helping a human, so the effort is unavoidable.
So, whether you need something because of lack of resources or time or just want to compliment your studio work while on-the-go, give Live online Pilates a try. You may be surprised how efficient and effective it can be.

Melanie McGray
Pilates Instructor at The Nourished Body
I am a wife, mother, entrepreneur and movement specialist who knows the challenges of time and energy. My 20 years+ experience in dance, movement and healing arts, anatomy, kinesiology have driven me to help others realize the potential their own bodies are capable of. I have a fascination with body mechanics and understand how to guide those in need of wellness re-education into a more functional and happy place.

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