Why Consistency In Fitness Is So Important

Consistency? I have heard this term too many times in the last few months to ignore it. Instead, I have decided to put it as my new focus word. It is something I have struggled with my whole life. I was a professional dancer which requires rigorous training, day after day; a consistent practice that if broken can cause major setbacks, ie: job loss, muscle loss, loss of technique, loss of quick skills in learning movement, loss of flexibility. I was adamant about attending class, improving on a day to day basis and committing to a physically and physiologically demanding schedule.
Through many different life experiences, including motherhood, I have learned that consistency is the key to just about everything, including fitness. Our bodies yearn for movement, for a practice that makes us feel good, to be cared for, yet it is one of the last things we prioritize.
As I set out to launch my online fitness business this year, I knew that offering Pilates on a consistent basis to my clients would help them progress quicker and give them the support they needed when on the go. Some of my clients often cancelled due to weather, driving restrictions, medication restrictions and other blockers that lead to an inconsistent practice and a need to start over again many times.
In order to re-educate the body, it is imperative that it “repeats” action on a consistent basis. We have so many embedded actions that we pull from to do our regular movement that when dealing with a “rewire” it takes time and repetition.
“Together, the researchers say, these results, published in the July 24, 2018 Cell Reports, suggest that repeating a movement many times somehow primes the brain to be more efficient at making that movement in the future.” – https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/brain-response-study-upends-thinking-about-why-practice-speeds-up-motor-reaction-times
If our bodies become used to more exercise, more oxygen, more energy then what do you think would happen to how we perform other duties. For example, I woke up the other morning, exhausted from dealing with my 9 month’s old sleep regression. I had a full day of work and life ahead and was generally pissed I didn’t get the sleep needed. What did I do? I strapped my baby to my back and stomped out of the house on a faster than usual hike. After sweating, breathing hard and getting my heart pumping with some fresh air I started to feel better. I went back home and began to write… probably one of the clearest writing sessions I have had despite the lack of sleep. Now, I make it a regular thing to walk most mornings, knowing that the consistency will prime my brain and body for the day ahead.
“Consistency is not easy. It takes commitment, energy and motivation but the more we practice the better we get. ”
And don’t we want to be good at getting better? Each small step we can take toward improving just promotes betterment in other areas of our life.

Melanie McGray
Pilates Instructor at The Nourished Body
I am a wife, mother, entrepreneur and movement specialist who knows the challenges of time and energy. My 20 years+ experience in dance, movement and healing arts, anatomy, kinesiology have driven me to help others realize the potential their own bodies are capable of. I have a fascination with body mechanics and understand how to guide those in need of wellness re-education into a more functional and happy place.

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