Letting Go …

What are the ways we can “let go”? Why should we? Why do we hold on to things so hard sometimes, even when they serve us no longer?
Treating myself to a wonderful massage today was a sweet closure to a day of reflecting on “how to let go”.
In Pilates, letting go can be viewed as “NO!!! Never let your abs go!!” OR a breakthrough! A moment when you trust your body, what it has learned and to be more free. A less held body, embracing more of the new ways to move with joy.
Sometimes, what we hold is pain. Emotional, mental, physical- they blend together-one feeding the other.
What if we pause…..just for a moment, to check in with that pain on a deeper level? Are there places we could let go of emotionally that may free us physically and vice versa?
“We hold pain because it’s what we know. It is easier to feel than the unknown, which could be happiness, freedom or relief.”
My clients (and I) learn to let go in so many ways through the power of movement, Pilates. Through movement, you learn to trust. Trust between teacher and student is undeniably the key to letting go and moving forward. I am grateful to my clients for trusting me with their pain. I don’t take it in, but I hold it for them. I hold it, so they can swim and around and discover what is possible. I hold it while they move through discomfort, fright, forging new paths toward mobility.
When a client or student finds that better path, instead of giving back the pain…we let it go. We decide that it no longer serves us and step into the uncharted territory full present and willing.
Watching, seeing and feeling pain is not easy but what is REALLY not easy is pretending to ignore it while it sits and festers each day. It will stay with us. It has a voice. UNTIL… one day, we change that mode. We decide that the pain can come along for the ride for a while (in the back seat) but eventually we are dropping it off for good. That’s when we seek the treatment. We seek the truth (even if it is scary) and we keep making decisions to better our lives. And our dedicated trainers are there to guide us through this journey.
When the pain is free, we become free. Free to live with more space for growth, more room for love and a capacity to decide whether things contribute to our well-being or not. Freedom is choice.
Is there something in your life that deserves a deeper look at? What can we get rid of to provide more room for thought and movement?
“Look at it, talk to it, feel it.”
Whatever comes up for you is OK. It is right. It is without judgement.
Letting go is never easy but I bet with some practice life will open in unexpected ways.

Melanie McGray
Pilates Instructor at The Nourished Body
I am a wife, mother, entrepreneur and movement specialist who knows the challenges of time and energy. My 20 years+ experience in dance, movement and healing arts, anatomy, kinesiology have driven me to help others realize the potential their own bodies are capable of. I have a fascination with body mechanics and understand how to guide those in need of wellness re-education into a more functional and happy place.

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