I Hear The Secrets That You Keep

Do you ever find yourself avoiding bending over when you go to put on your pants? Maybe now, you put your shoes on by sitting down first? Perhaps when you sit at the computer you use a back pillow? Ah yes, perhaps a stand up desk? New shoe inserts? Heck, maybe you just don’t do that movement anymore! I know these little secrets because I have been there. After two babies and bending over a crib for months with a venerable back and weakened pelvic floor my body started to feel well beyond it’s years. I did all these crazy positions to alleviate the pressure and pain I was feeling constantly. I knew I had hit my limit when I started to make louder noises because of the pain I felt from picking my son up out of the crib.
Most of us have aches and pains as we age that tend to get worse but we deal with it. And by deal with it, I mean avoid it. We change the way we do things, push through pain and stop moving in certain ways all together to silence the pain. Unfortunately, we are not silencing the pain, only creating a stronger pattern of avoidance and taking the pain elsewhere.
A Solution (you can do yourself): time for some butt work (and some other things too).
Instead of grunting with each lift, I got on my mat and began slow and steady bridges with many variations as well as some much needed prone (on your belly) work for my entire back body. And after my first session, I felt immediately better. Just getting those muscles to fire and support was like a friend hugging me and telling me everything will be ok.
Yes, that’s right folks. If you are always feeling a nagging pain in your back then most likely your booty needs some evaluation.
The back and hips are supported by the glutes and when we lose strength in them there tends to be a breakdown above. The glutes take the load and help support much of the hip and back work we do, which, is almost in every activity.
Today, we are seeing a lot of flat booties. There is a ton of sitting going on with companies requiring more work hours, longer commutes and a rise in jobs that require travel. And, if you’re a mama, chances are your glutes have taken a back seat to work. Poor posture due to nursing, sitting and accommodating a little human on your hip can underwork the “powerhouse” of your lower body and lead to more weakness in the pelvic floor.
If you are sitting a majority of the day then you will need to incorporate more butt effort. Adding some simple movements throughout the day, being aware of posture and adjusting your work(sit) space can be a huge help.
I see a lot of “fixes” for low back pain or for the “office workers” body that include props, unrealistic exercises or exercises that are good but presented in a way that the mover does not understand fully (meaning the person does the movement but is not thinking of HOW they are executing the work or what muscles they should be focused on to get the full benefit of the exercise).
It matters less that you do 50 squats a day, 20 legs lifts every hour or just stand up from your desk now and then. What will change your body the most is teaching it HOW to do the work. An actual rewiring of the brain pathway to the muscle action so the body learns to perform movement more functionally. You are re-educating the body to do things differently, to bend over in a better way, to sit longer with less pain, to strengthen your sub-conscious to take over and move better instead of keeping you in survival mode.
Our bodies are very smart. They will do what they have to in order to function and get through the day. Small adjustments because of pain lead to bigger changes in lifestyle. It doesn’t take much, just a focused mind and a little effort every day to stay pain free and lively for years to come.
You can visit my YouTube channel (The Nourished Body/Melanie McGray Pilates) for lots of short Glute workouts. I give you cues so you know how to perform these actions the best. You only need a few of each if they are done correctly.
Done anytime, anywhere. All together or one movement at a time:)

Melanie McGray
Pilates Instructor at The Nourished Body
I am a wife, mother, entrepreneur and movement specialist who knows the challenges of time and energy. My 20 years+ experience in dance, movement and healing arts, anatomy, kinesiology have driven me to help others realize the potential their own bodies are capable of. I have a fascination with body mechanics and understand how to guide those in need of wellness re-education into a more functional and happy place.

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