Enjoy Our Blog
by Melanie McGray
“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.”
8 Minute Booty Workout

I Hear The Secrets That You Keep
The secrets we keep to avoid pain and how you can help yourself get better.

5 Fitness Travel Tips You Haven’t Heard Of
Here are some unique tips that are fun and to add exercise and mindfulness into your day when on the go.

How Eyesight Can Affect Your Back Work
I LOVE this article by Trent McEntire! He is a leader in the Pilates industry and a dear friend. When I worked at his studio, I learned how important our vision is when it comes to movement. As a dancer myself, this seems obvious, but I had never consciously thought how it would affect the way I work especially as I got older. Now, I find myself doing the “squint” when reading a menu, looking over something on the computer or trying to read directions on my children’s toys.

Bridging The Gap For Movement Post Back Surgery
I have always been a huge fan of doctors that vet their patients and choose to say no to surgery. Maybe try the less invasive way first?
In my professional career as a Pilates and Movement Specialist I have seen several clients having had had a spinal fusion surgery. They come to me because the surgery was unsuccessful, or it did not produce the relief promised or expected.

Letting Go …
What are the ways we can “let go”? Why should we? Why do we hold on to things so hard sometimes, even when they serve us no longer?
Treating myself to a wonderful massage today was a sweet closure to a day of reflecting on “how to let go”.
In Pilates, letting go can be viewed as “NO!!! Never let your abs go!!” OR a breakthrough! A moment when you trust your body, what it has learned and to be more free. A less held body, embracing more of the new ways to move with joy.

You Need More Than Kegels for Your Pelvic Floor Health
I sprained my foot 3 weeks ago. 1 week before we were to leave to Europe for a month. If you have not been to Europe, specifically Amsterdam and Paris, you may not know that both cities require A LOT of walking. Not to mention the long 2 day affair it takes to get there. Airports, heavy luggage and 2 small children was enough to make me almost opt in for the rental wheel chairs.

Why Consistency In Fitness Is So Important
Consistency? I have heard this term too many times in the last few months to ignore it. Instead, I have decided to put it as my new word for 2019 (oh ya, my year is just starting, it’s April). It is something I have struggled with my whole life. I was a professional dancer which requires rigorous training, day after day; a consistent practice that if broken can cause major setbacks, ie: job loss, muscle loss, loss of technique, loss of quick skills in learning movement, loss of flexibility. I was adamant about attending class, improving on a day to day basis and committing to a physically and physiologically demanding schedule.

Why Live, Online Pilates is Perfect for Busy Women
Do you feel like it is too bad you can’t lift your children/ grandchildren without bracing beforehand? Do you want to play golf again, run again, do yoga or go on long excursions like you used to? Maybe you just want to be more comfortable sitting through a long dinner with friends. Or… maybe you want to jump on a trampoline without peeing your pants.

Why Online Pilates Is The Best For Business Travellers With (or Without) Chronic Pain?
Do you have a back that won’t stop giving you trouble? Do you travel for business? Do you WANT to travel but feel restricted by chronic pain and mobility? Are you worried that if you leave your weekly routine your body will pay the price?
In this day and age, people are travelling more than ever. Business travel has become a norm in the corporate world and often times leaves the employee sleep deprived, under-exercised and without a great nutritional routine. Big businesses offer their workers immunizations, security alerts, per diems for meals but what about EXERCISE? The schedule endured by these humans gives little, if no time, for movement. Yes, most hotels will have a gym but we know what those are like. Lonely, stinky, old equipment, under-used and/or cared for and the worst lighting imaginable. So, unless you travel to the tropics for your work, this is the usual scenario.
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